"Who do you think those people were? Those were not just some ordinary people. If I told you their names--I'm not going to tell you their names--but if I did, I don't think you'd sleep so well. "
It seems that, once again, the specter of The Illuminati has reared its ugly head, or should I say 'hood'? In the new Tom Hanks thriller, Angels & Demons, the nefarious Secret Society is conspiring to destroy The Vatican. And the only way to stop them is by following a set of clues they have left behind that will reveal their treacherous plot.
Or is it?
Perhaps it is all just a smokescreen, a cover-up, a clever bit of misdirection. After all, The Illuminati are notorious infiltrators who are constantly sending out mixed messages through the media to confuse and confound anyone who tries to penetrate their dark veil.
In fact, in the movie Angels & Demons, Tom Hanks's character Robert Langdon seems to spend most of his time defending The Illuminati. They are academics and truth seekers, like himself, who have been wrongfully maligned by the Church, just as he has. Certainly that doesn't excuse them from blowing up the Vatican, but as the plot thickens and the list of suspects grows, we are no longer certain who is behind this evil plot. Could someone be using the specter of The Illuminati as ruse to hide their own diabolical motives?
Or is the movie itself merely a ruse? Another brilliantly conceived Illuminati plot to divert our attention from their plan to take over the world?
Or have I been reading too many books and websites about Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theories?
It's possible.
In the course of doing some research on a new screenplay I'm writing, I have scoured the Internet and the local library for information on Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theories. And as far as Secret Societies and Conspiracy Theories go, there's no match for The Illuminati. They are the The Sine Qua Non of Secrecy, the All-Purpose Plot-hatchers, the Go-To-Guys of Gobbledygook.
One of my favorite Illuminati Conspiracy Theories involves the Mysterious Death of Stanley Kubrick. Apparently, shortly after delivering the final cut of his movie Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley died of a heart attack. Not so mysterious, you say, Stanley was seventy years old and had just completed a strenuous two-year-long production. He reportedly died peacefully in his bed at his home in England. These things happen.
But when you examine the many symbols and clues that Stanley included in Eyes Wide Shut, you find a veritable manifesto of Illuminati Secrets. Not to mention the infamous Masked Orgy sequence in the middle of the film that basically throws open the doors to a Secret Illuminati Ritual. Having thus violated the cloak of Illuminati Silence, Kubrick was murdered, both to prevent him from revealing more and as a warning to others.
Sure, plenty of movies have flirted with revealing Illuminati Secrets, but Eyes Wide Shut must have really struck a nerve.
The brilliance of Angels & Demons is that it talks directly about The Illuminati, but in a context that makes them seem like a relic of history, instead of the All-Pervasive Puppetmasters of the Modern World. But there they are on the big screen: Hidden In Plain Sight.
One of the methods used by The Illuminati to further their evil ends is Mind Control. Another Kubrick movie, A Clockwork Orange, uses Mind Control as one of its central plot devices. And after the movie was released in England, Kubrick received several death threats, forcing him to move behind the guarded walls of a secluded country estate. (Of course, guarded walls and secluded estates are no match for The Illuminati.) Kubrick also references Mind Control in Eyes Wide Shut, with several thinly veiled allusions to the CIA's MK-ULTRA project. As everyone knows, the CIA is riddled with Illuminati, via their exclusive Ivy-League conduit, the Skull and Bones. The same Skull and Bones, mind you, that brought us George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush, who in addition to being president was also director of the CIA.
MK-ULTRA pops up in another movie, aptly titled Conspiracy Theory, starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. In it, Mel is a victim of an evil CIA psychiatrist (and obvious Illuminati member) played by Patrick Stewart. Julia is an attorney with the Justice Department who tries to help him. At one point, Mel explains to Julia the basic Conspiracy Theory premise: "A good conspiracy is unprovable. I mean, if you can prove it, it means they screwed up somewhere along the line."
In the movie Three Days of the Condor, CIA analyst Robert Redford discovers a conspiracy involving a 'CIA within the CIA'. Classic Illuminati tactics, by the way -- infiltrate a secret organization and subvert it from the inside out. Redford finds out that their plan is to invade a Middle Eastern Country to gain control of their oil production.
And that was way back in 1975!
Three Days of the Condor was directed by Sidney Pollack, who also played the part of Victor Ziegler, the Illuminati Overlord in Eyes Wide Shut.
I think the best Conspiracy Theory movie of all time is the The Matrix, allegorical though it may be. The idea that we are all living in a fantasy world made up of a series of meaningless distractions while an Evil Controlling Entity is literally sucking the life out of us is just about the most perfect metaphor for Illuminati World Domination ever put on film.
But, in my research, I have found something that may be an even better Conspiracy Theory than The Illuminati. In her book 'Secret Societies', crackpot author Sylvia Browne suggests that there is a group so secret that NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF THEM! The group is composed of 22 members, who have infiltrated all of the other Secret Societies, INCLUDING THE ILLUMINATI!
I know!
And how does Sylvia know about them? She heard it from her spirit guide, "Francine".
And what is their purpose? World Domination, of course! To create a New World Order, i.e., a one-world government under American control. And they have formed numerous other Secret Societies as a smoke-screen to carry out their goals.
Now, I could tell you the name of this Super-Secret Society, but then, of course, I would have to kill you.
I may have said too much already. Maybe I'll write them into my screenplay. As long as I don't get too close to the truth. I don't want to end up like Stanley Kubrick.
Or do I?
1 comment:
Watch your back, eastman!
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